With the urgent need to provide Cybersafe education to children, Stairway Foundation, in partnership with the Department of Education and Facebook Philippines through the CyberSafe project just had the first hands-on session of Stairway’s CyberSafe offline E-Learning packages. Via the the CyberSafe training of trainers last July 30 to August 1, division level trainers from Region 8, experienced the 4 CyberSafe E-Learning courses: Red Leaves Falling, Be a Buddy not a Bully, Some Things are Not Worth Sharing and Add Friends Not Strangers. Participants greatly appreciated the courses and immediately saw the applicability of the learning tools not only as stand alone courses, but also in terms of blended learning inside the classroom (E-Learning + facilitation).

The CyberSafe training of Trainers is an initiative of the Department of Education in partnership with Stairway Foundation and Facebook Philippines to capacitate Division level trainers in order to spread CyberSafe education in schools all throughout the Philippines.
Visit the online e-learning site here: https://elearning.stairwayfoundation.org
Contributed by Ace Diloy, senior advocacy officer, SFI