The Inter-Agency Council Against Child Pornography (IACACP) commenced its pilot run for the Child Online Protection eLearning course last August 8.
Hosted on Stairway Foundation’s eLearning platform, the six-week fully asynchronous eLearning course was gratis to social workers and child rights advocates from different local government units and agencies, institutions, and organizations in the Philippines. Upon completing the eLearning, course participants gained points in their continuing professional development (CPD) under the Professional Regulatory Board for Social Workers.

Stairway Foundation provided inputs on understanding sexual abuse and exploitation of children through animation, interactive lessons, and video lessons. The Department of Justice’s Office of Cybercrime discussed the legal framework for online sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Members of the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) and UNICEF provided inputs on the Philippine Plan of Action to End Violence Against Children (PPAEVAC) and the National Response Plan (NRP). Teams from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and International Justice Missions (IJM) focused on step-by-step case management in OSAEC cases.
This eLearning partnership is also in line with Stairway’s Global Program on Stopping Cybercrime Against Children: More Protection and Safety on the Internet to provide a deeper understanding of protecting children from online violence.
The eLearning is part of the IACACP’s Key Result Area I on Advocacy and Prevention.
The IACACP Child Online Protection eLearning course aims to increase knowledge and awareness about OSAEC (Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children), orient participants on the different studies about COP (Child Online Protection), as well as to familiarize them with the laws concerning online sexual abuse and exploitation of children, and capacitate them on various case management processes for OSAEC cases.
For more information about Stairway’s child protection eLearning courses, please visit our site at