Ang Mga Tanim ni Lokos

By Derrick

Ang mga Tanim ni Lokos is a story about a foolish bird named Lokos who likes to play and his industrious, hard working friend, a lizard called Tipaklong.  One day Lokos sees his friend, Tipakalong planting in his garden.  Lokos finds that silly and tells Tipakalong that he should be playing instead.  But Tipakalong tells Lokos that he is planting so that he will have food when the rainy season comes.  A couple of days pass and Lokos sees that Tipakalong’s garden is very beautiful and full of healthy plants.  Tipakalong tells Lokos that he took good care of the plants and then gave Lokos some seeds so that he could plant his own garden.  Lokos took the seeds home with him and dropped them into the ground then he flew off to play.  Days passed and when Lokos went to check on his garden no plants grew, but Tipakalong’s garden continued to flourish.  When the rainy season came, Lokos went back to his house to rest and eat, but he had nothing to eat.  He went to Tipaklong house and asked him for some food.  Confused, Tipaklong asked Lokos what happened?  Don’t you have food in his garden?  Lokos admitted he had nothing.  He told Tipaklong that the seeds didn’t grow.  His friend asked if he tended the garden.  Did he water the seeds and fertilize the soil?  Lokos had to admit that he played and did not tend to his garden.  Then Tipaklong explained to Lokos that plants are like us.  They need care if they are to grow and bear fruits.  Lokos learned a very valuable lesson.